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?07 Perform Assessment

On Desktop

Assessments can be performed using RiskBase on your desktop and the RiskBase App.

This page describes how to perform assessments using RiskBase Desktop.

From the Explorer

  1. Right click on the property you’re assessing.
  2. Select Assessments.

Create an Assessment

  1. Click New Assessment at the top of the Assessments page. A “New Assessment” window will appear showing the available Questionnaires.
  2. Select the questionnaire you’d like to use. The questionnaire determines the type of assessment (e.g. Fire Risk Assessment) and the questions you’re asked.
  3. Click Create.

The assessment will be created and opened.

All existing assessments of the same type must be approved before a new one can be created.

I.e. you cannot have two "In Progress" FRAs on a property.

View & Update Assessments

To open an assessment:

  • From the Assessments page, double click the assessment you want to work on, this will open the Assessment page.

An assessment’s page is split into two:

Left Right
The details area shows information about what you’ve selected from the options list.

The assessment overview is display in the details area when first opened.
The options list allows you to access the overview, sections, and questions.

Click an item in this list to open its information in the details area.

If the assessment has not yet been approved and your account has permission, you’ll be able to make changes to the assessment, answer questions, and add actions and control measures.

If an assessment has been approved, you’ll only be able to view information.

Assessment Overview

The assessment’s overview is displayed in the details area when the assessment is first opened.

You can get to the overview at any time from the options list.

Modify the Overview

If the assessment is editable, make simple changes and click Save at the top.

Assessment Display The type of assessment and its title (e.g. Type: Fire > Fire Risk Assessment. Title: Fire Risk Assessment).
Property Display The name of the property the assessment is for.
Reference Text Your own custom reference.
Display If no custom reference is set, RiskBase’s unique reference is used.
Validity Start Datefield The start date of the assessment.
Validity Expiry Display The expiry date of the assessment is calculated based on the assessment’s start date and the expiry period of the questionnaire.

To set a custom expiry date:

1. Click on the expiry date.

2. Tick “User a custom expiry date” in “Change Expiry Date”.

3. Select a date and click Set Expiry Date.
Assessed Assessor: Selectbox

Date & Time: Date Time The date and time of the assessment.

Remarks: Textarea
Attachments Grid / File Picker Files can be attached to an assessment:

1. Click Add/Remove Files to open the property’s File Manager window.

2. Upload and select the files you want to attach.

3. Click Attach Selected Files at the bottom of the window.

4. PDF files will appear at the end of the assessment’s PDF report.

Question Section

Questions are grouped into sections (e.g. Sources of Ignition, Fire Detection). View information about a section by selecting it from the options list.

Section Name Display
Comment Textarea Comments are shown in the assessment’s PDF report.

Add a Comment to a Section

  • Enter your comment. Changes are automatically saved.


Select a question from the options list on the right to view it in the details area on the left.

When a question is unanswered only the question and its answers are displayed. Once it’s answered, its comment, actions, and control measures are displayed.

Question Display
Answers Radio Buttons
Comment Textarea Comments are shown in the assessment’s PDF report.
Actions Grid See Actions.
Control Measures Grid See Control Measures.

Answer a Question

  • Click the answer. Changes are automatically saved.

To change an answer, simply click on the new answer; the old answer will be removed and the new answer added.

Un-answer a Question

  • Move your mouse over the answer and click the X.

Add a Comment to an Answer

  • Enter your comment. Changes are automatically saved.


An action describes what needs to be done to remove or lessen identified hazards. Actions are displayed in the actions grid when viewing a question.

Actions can be created using Template Actions (if available) or by creating a custom action.

Create an Action from a Template Action

Different templates will be available depending on the answer chosen. Bear in mind, an answer may not have any template actions.

Templates are shown in the actions grid next to a green outlined circle ADD ICON.

To create an action from a template

  • Double click on a template or right click and choose “Add Action from Template”.
  • An “Add Action from Template” window will appear. Some of the action’s details will be pre-filled (description, due date, priority, category).
  • Amend the details as needed and click Save Action.
  • The new action will now appear in the actions grid.

Control Measures

Control Measures describe the use of existing fire safety measures or explain why a hazard does not pose a risk.

Template Control Measures can be used (if available), otherwise, custom Control Measure can be created.

Use a Template Control Measure

  • Double click on a template or right click and choose “Add Control Measure from Template”.
  • An “Add Control Measure from Template” window will appear. Some of the control measure’s details will be pre-filled.
  • Add or amend the details and click Save Control Measure.
  • The new action will now appear in the actions grid.

Create a custom Control Measure

  • Click + Control Measure.
  • An empty “Add Control Measure” window will appear.
  • The What control is in place? field must be filled in.
  • Addition details: why, where, a category and photos can be added.
  • Once complete, click Save Control Measure.
  • The new action will now appear in the actions grid.

