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Build Your Reporting Dashboard

About Dashboard

The Dashboard provides a visual way to analyse and dissect data — especially task information. Interactive charts and graphs show an overview of results and can be customised with grouping and filtering options. Detailed results are view-able in a data grid or can be exported as a CSV or PDF.

This article will walk you through accessing the Dashboard, choosing a report, and then customising and exporting data from it. The following examples will feature our standard “Task” report.

Accessing Dashboard

To view your Dashboard, right click on your company’s name in the RiskBase Explorer and select Dashboard.

Changing a Chart

  • Click on a chart title or select ‘Change Report’ from the more options menu.
  • From the list that appears, double click on the report you’d like to view.


Charts display results in groups (e.g. a task could be grouped by its status, priority, category, etc). A chart grouped by Priority would show results split into low, medium, and high priorities.

To change a chart’s grouping

  • Click a chart’s filter button or select View Filter from the more options menu.
  • Choose the type of grouping from the “Group By” field and then click Show Report.

Filtering & Saving

Focus on tasks important to you with filters. You may want to keep track of all high and medium priority tasks which are overdue:

  • Click the chart’s filter button or select View Filter from the more options menu.
  • Choose Overdue from the Due Group field and Medium and High from the Priority field.
  • Click Show Report

The chart will now show all high and medium priority tasks which are overdue.

Saving the Filter as a Custom Report

Saving a custom report lets you come back at a later date and view the same results without setting the group and filtering options again. To save the report, click the Save Report button instead of the Show Report button:

  • Click the chart’s filter button or select View Filter from the more options menu.
  • Make sure the filter is setup correctly and click Save Report.
  • You can choose to update an existing report or create a new one.
  • Name your report and add an optional description.
  • Choose whether you’d like other users to see and modify/delete your custom report. If a report is unlikely to be useful for others we recommend un-ticking these options.

Interactive Features

The dashboard is interactive – allowing use of the visual displays to gain an overview of segments (by mousing over) or clicking a segment to break it down further. This method of filtering is useful when we wish to look at one of our saved reports in further detail – often the report results dictating which segment we want to break down further. Manipulating filters and breaking down data further allows us to quickly get a snapshot overview of large data sets, and when working from a saved report we can quickly return to the report we started with.

Further Filter One Segment

  1. Mouse over segment to breakdown further.
  2. Under ‘Filter Down [Name]’ and Group By header, select how you would like to group the segment.
Overdue Due date past
Imminent Due in the next 30 days
Future Due in the next 31 days+

Seeing this data visually we may want to adjust the filter to change the data, in this example we want to remove completed tasks.

Adjust the Filters

  1. Click the filter icon
  2. Amend the filter fields as required.
  3. click Show Report.

Data Grid

Once we have grouped the data in the desired way we will want to gain an overview. This is achieved using the data grid which is displayed below the graphs/charts.

View Task Breakdowns

Relating to the whole of the chart or graph:

  1. Select the ‘more options’ icon (top right)
  2. Select View in Data Grid.

Relating to one segment of the chart or graph:

  1. Click desired segment.
  2. select View in Data Grid.

Either of the actions above will load the related data in the grid below the chart/graph display. The total number of results being displayed is shown in the tab at the top of the data grid.

Note that there are always two tabs at the top of the data grid. ‘Custom Reports’ is always the first tab, the second is the chart or graph which we have selected to view and it will display the name of the report.

See Using the Data Grid section for ways of manipulating the data grid.

Downloading Data

Tasks relating to either the whole chart or just one individual segment can be downloaded as a PDF or Excel (CSV) document.

You can download chart data as either a PDF or an Excel (CSV) document. The download will either be the data relating to an individual segment of the chart, or everything (all of the segments) in the chart depending on where you choose it from.

Double-check the tasks that will download by viewing them in the data grid first.

Download Tasks from an Entire Chart or Graph

  1. Click More Options..
  2. Select Download CSV’ or Download PDF from the dropdown.

The CSV or PDF file will download to your computer.

